Hello! And welcome to the simplified guide of how to set up your Feather to get it up and running so you can code with your Arduino IDE. I will troubleshoot as best as I can so you don't have to!⚡️

Initial Disclaimer:

Steps (in the order that they are listed for optimal outcomes):

FIRST: Install this driver:

  1. Please click the link below. I promise it's not phishing or spam.

    CP210x USB to UART Bridge VCP Drivers - Silicon Labs

  2. Make sure to go to the Downloads tab, as illustrated below:


  3. Choose the latest driver available for YOUR computer. I put a screenshot below so you know what to look for.

    Pro-tip: they're well labelled and they have dates next to them. Choose the one most recent that also has your OS name on it. If you're on Windows, choose the top one. If you're on a Mac, choose the second one. If you are on any linux distribution, then godspeed, my friend - you are maybe 1 of 3 people in the program who aren't afraid of it so I am going to assume you already know what you're doing and are just here for the links.

    EDIT: With the different versions of Windows being used in class, this tutorial is no longer accurate. If you are installing on Windows, please look at this guide instead: ‣


  4. Open the contents of the download and just install. Unless you are on Linux, it will be a straightforward stream of next > next > next. You will know when it is over. When it will all be over. ☠️

  5. Pat yourself on the back. You just made it through step 1 🌈

SECOND: Set the IDE to recognize the Feather.

  1. Open the Arduino IDE. Make sure the version of your Arduino is 1.8 or higher.

    If you're not sure what version is yours, check out this page: ‣

  2. Go to Arduino > Preferences


    The window looks like this:


  3. In "Preferences", look for "Additional Board Manager URLs" at the bottom of the window.


  4. In that box, paste this link:


    And then press "OK"